Monthly Archives: April 2019

#Coachism101: Character

It’s been a tough few weeks to be a Kansas City Chiefs fan. One of my greatest sources of pride in being a fan of this organization is, for the most part, that it’s been run the right way. With character and class. There have been a few instances in the past where they’ve gotten away from this cornerstone of the Hunt Family, but these situations were usually dealt with and corrected. Situations where they’ve brought in questionable character, things went south as things are predicted in these situations, and then the organization made changes.

As we sit on the heels of Marcus Peters, Kareem Hunt, and now Tyreek Hill, it is time once again for the Hunt Family to make changes in their operations. Listening last week to the emotion and frustration in the Johnson County’s DA in his press conference about dropping charges against Mr. Hill and his fiance was difficult. That paled in comparison to the sickening feeling a few days later when KCTV5 released the audio tape of Hill and his fiance talking about their child. Chiefs need to make organizational changes now. There are things more important than winning.

I could rant at length about the character decisions the Chiefs have made over the past few years in the name of winning. I’ll spare the rant, though, in favor of a couple of coachisms from the past.


“Nothing you do on the field can make up for being crap off the field.”


“I’d rather lose with character than win with criminal.”


Coaches and parents, talk to your athletes about these situations when they arise. Hold your athletes to the expectation for them to be good human beings above good athletes.

Sports are bigger than winning.

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