Tag Archives: United States

The School Playground Model of Government

A playground with too many rules and regulations and their strict enforcement stifles the playground. The results are kids spending all their recess time against the wall and losing their privileges to use the playground equipment, the sports balls, or the jump ropes. 

Nothing gets accomplished. Nobody grows.

A playground with no rules, regulations, or enforcement results in chaos. The playground devolves into complete chaos. Nobody has any fun and the only means for structure falls to the law of the jungle. 

Nothing gets accomplished. Nobody grows.

The ultimate playground monitor establishes and enforces enough rules to provide an environment where the kids are allowed a generous amount of freedom. These kids tend to have fun, work with each other to solve problems, and discover better ways to operate without spiraling into chaos or choking development.

Things get accomplished. People grow.

As I write this in the United States of America in the Spring of 2024, our nation has been derailed over the past 40 years by a fight between the first and the second model of playground monitoring. As a result, we’re getting nothing done. We are pushing our problems forward to tomorrow instead of developing solutions today. We are eroding what we can be as a nation. 

Our confusion and bickering have let us become victims of the worst bad players from the fringes. Our confusion and bickering have let the proverbial fox into the hen house. It’s time to turn that around and get us back on track. 

In short, we need to find our way back to electing government officials on all levels who will work to establish our governing bodies with the ultimate playground monitor as the primary guiding force. 

The first step is to pay attention. Seek the truth in what’s real. Learn to sift through the bullshit. Walk around and see that things are not as bad as people tell us. Someone is always screaming that the sky is falling but, you know what? The reality shows otherwise. 

Observe, analyze, and decide for yourself. 

Let’s build better playgrounds!

State Government Photographer, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
I had to add this image because it reminded me of my school days at Christ
The King Catholic School where our playground was the church parking lot.

We played hard and I went through a lot of Toughskin jean knees there.
DimiTalen, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

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Colossus 7-4-2017

We are a nation built on a dream.
A state the Fathers could not and would not live.
We are a nation built on blood and forged in fire.
A violent overtone to obtain the ground we walk upon.
We are a nation with scars, deep and ugly.
An abuse of our power on many fronts and turns.
We are a nation set in the discomfort of change.
A pained evolution toward the dream of equal creation.
We are a nation still young, still growing.
A nation moving forward making mistakes along the way.

We are a nation built on a dream.
A promise of The New Colossus
We will take the tired.
A place will be made for the poor.
We are all part of the huddled masses yearning to be free.
A people different, a people similar.
We will turn the wretched into hope
A secure shore in a world of tumult.
We will be the dream, bound as one nation indivisible.
A lamp beside the golden door.


By Gregory F. Maxwell via Wikimedia Commons


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Remember, America IS the Great Melting Pot

Rest Day Read (SR-39)

Immigration Is U.S by Joel Kotkin, Forbes Magazine

“You can sing about sea to shining sea or amber waves of grain, but it’s immigration that provides America’s basic rhythm.  Nothing distinguishes the American experience from that of other nations more than the mass migration of people from elsewhere to here.  We are truly a nation of immigrants.”

“Our 21st-century economy will be shaped in large part by these immigrants and their descendants.”

I am an immigrant, several generations directly removed, but I am still proud of the fact that I am from immigrant blood. I am proud of the fact I am Croatian, Irish, English, French and maybe a few others thrown into the pot.  America is the Great Melting Pot.  Built on it, made of it and grown on it.  That is the fabric of what makes this a great nation.  The greatness of this nation lies in the very fact we are a conglomeration of races, cultures, ideas and religions. We need new immigrants to keep the fire burning bright or even light a fire under a “us” that has become stagnate.  We should be battling illegal immigration by promoting and simplifying legal immigration. We should be opening our door instead of slamming it shut.  Sure it will cause all sorts of problems and issues, but isn’t that why our nation is here?

Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed,to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”— Emma Lazarus, 1883.

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